4 Superfoods to have in your nutrition arsenal…science says so...
It’s very easy in this self-quantification technological world to focus on ‘how many calories am I burning?’ instead of focusing on what nutritional value I have consumed today. When nutrition is the focus and what the body needs, we can ease our minds as those cravings aren’t as strong and you feel more energized. Where to begin? When you are new to something or just beginning, it is best to start small. Start with something manageable, something that you will succeed at. As the saying goes, set yourself up for success. In the case of nutrition let’s start with four ‘superfoods’ that science says you should be eating. This information comes from Examine.com, an education company that looks at the research. The four superfoods are: #1. Garlic Garlic can help improve immunity and cardiovascular health. By facilitating blood flow, reducing blood pressure, and improving cholesterol levels, the evidence suggests garlic can improve circulatory health. It also provides antioxidant benefits. As Examine explains, there is evidence to suggest garlic consumption may ward off upper respiratory infections. It even has an anti-cancer effect. One clove per day is the new apple. #2. Dark Berries Dark berries can help improve memory in older people due to an effect of an increasing growth factor called BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor). Younger people can also take dark berries to improve memory but studies have not yet been conducted to confirm this. Dark berries like blueberries are a source of anthocyanins. “Anthocyanin’s have antioxidant properties and can reduce DNA damage related to oxidation and stress." #3. Spirulina Have nasal allergies? Spirulina can help reduce symptoms like sneezing and stuffy nose. It is a blue-green algae with a 55-70% protein content and provides anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. I get my daily dose of Spirulina from my Green Juice from Organifi. Spirulina contains essential amino acids, iron, protein, B vitamins, and vitamins C, D, and E. #4. Leafy greens Would you like to lower blood pressure? Overtime, regularly eating foods high in nitrates (like leafy greens) can help lower blood pressure. Beetroot also contain high levels of nitrate. As Examine explains, nitrates improve blood flow by dilating blood vessels. Eating nitrate-rich vegetables daily can help lower blood pressure over time. Chances are you already consume to some degree one or more of the ‘superfoods’ listed. You may want to evaluate how often you are consuming them - as stated with leafy greens - benefit of lower blood pressure comes with regularly eating them. Try ones not already in your nutritional arsenal, like perhaps Spirulina. Which ever you choose, make it manageable and set yourself up for success. Remember not to focus on calorie consumption. Rather, focus on nutrition and ask yourself, what have I done for myself today from a nutritional standpoint? It’s a much richer life than constantly thinking, “I can’t/shouldn’t have that”. To your journey, Lisa Schaffer GreenNote Fitness P.S. Check out my Facebook page for inspiration. P.P.S. Discover GreenNote Fitness recommendations for recovery, supplements, protein bars & powders, nutrition, equipment, books and more. **Do you have a friend that would benefit from this information? Please forward it to them!**