Reflections on Body, Mind & Spirit: Consistency is Key to Exercise; Rewire Your Brain; We Chose Our Response
My December Reflection
Here we are. The close of the month of December, the close of another year, and the beginning of a new one. What do we do now? Personally, I went back and re-read the newsletters I wrote in 2024.
My tendency (and maybe yours) is to devour new things; articles, books, exercises, sayings, etc. Stopping for a moment to absorb that fact about myself, I came to understand that it's worth pausing. It's rewarding to spend more time on the same thing i.e. the same exercise, the same book or passage, the same act of being grateful. Circling back to more core gems; the "classics" are good for a reason.
As we welcome in the new year, may we also reflect on areas in our life that we want to bring with us. Let's take a look at some of the classics that will be accompanying me into the new year.

Body - Consistency is key
Re-reading my 2024 newsletters, they stand as a reminder of the fundamentals and the importance of consistent practicing of these principles. Namely, the importance of consistency. Whether it's going for a walk, getting up from your computer, or strength and conditioning, we have to be consistent. One area I needed to do a better job of was properly warming up before my training. After a few injuries, I got the message. Now? I never miss getting my warm up completed. In recent months this has been 5-10 minutes on a stair mill.
Challenge for you:
Consider this quote - "When you're lacking motivation, remind yourself: discipline now, freedom later. The labor will pass, and the rewards will last." ~ Daily Stoic
Mind - Our thoughts matter
In this GreenNote Fitness newsletter, I wrote about an amazing book. Dr. Caroline Leaf's book, Switch on Your Brain, was the most profound book I read last year. Never have I seen an author provide both science and scripture side by side in such a manner that explains how the two not just coexist but by design are woven together.
To summarize Switch on Your Brain one could say that our thoughts and decisions matter. The old saying, keep positive, have a good mental attitude is something very real for how we are wired. Our thoughts do matter. Dr. Leaf explains this with both the perspective of a scientist and a person who walks in faith. To me this is such a relief - something so thoughtful and at the same time, true. It doesn't suck energy out of our soul but lifts it up. Further, we were designed this way.
Challenge for you:
Consider these passages from Switch on Your Brain
Main Scripture: Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
Science Concept: Thoughts are real, physical things that occupy mental real estate. Moment by moment, every day, you are changing the structure of your brain through your thinking. When we hope, it is an activity of the mind that changes the structure of our brain in a positive and normal direction.
Spirit - Answer with love
There are two concepts from 2024 Spirit that stand out to me. One from the Daily Stoic, "...Let us tell those we love that we absolutely and totally love them. Let us answer with love to every situation and problem we face..." The other is a quote from Victor Frankl, "Between stimulus and response lies a space. In that space lie our freedom and power to choose a response. In our response lies our growth and happiness."
Challenge for you:
In this new year, let's pause in those spaces between stimulus and response and let's fill it with love. A tall order, but one worth trying.
Final message
Many of you reading this may be struggling right now in a part of your life. No one is immune to what life throws at you. As the stoics say, fate does what she pleases. Take consolation in the fact that you are more capable than you may believe. Deep inside is a strength that cannot be explained but it resides within you...always. Please know that it is my wish that in 2025 you may come to know your strength more fully.
Quote I'm Reflecting Upon
"Nourish your spirit, honor your body, and live your fullest life." ~ Roger Drummer
To your reflection and health,
Lisa Schaffer
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